Peace In Believing Ministries
Christmas & Easter Lessons
These devotional lessons were written by John Kincaid.
John has taught adult Sunday School and small group Bible
studies since 1985 in South Carolina, United States.
The Lord grew the list of readers to 1,500 people in 75 countries on every continent except Antarctica. Pastor Patrick is one of the
readers. Our ministry partnership formed through these lessons.
11) Joseph's Decision - Matt.1:19-24
12) Joseph Learns of the Census - Luke 2:1-3
15) When was Jesus born? Pt.1 - Luke 2:4-7
16) When was Jesus born? Pt.2 - Luke 2:4-7
17) Where was Jesus born? - Luke 2:4-7
Is Jesus God? / Why Pray "In Jesus' Name"?
7) Why Do We Pray in Jesus’ Name? Pt.1
Which Books Belong in the Bible?
1) Which Books Belong in the Bible? Pt.1
2) Which Books Belong in the Bible? Pt.2
3) Which Books Belong in the Bible? Pt.3
4) Which Books Belong in the Bible? Pt.4
5) Which Books Belong in the Bible? Pt.5
6) Which Books Belong in the Bible? Pt.6
7) Which Books Belong in the Bible? Pt.7
The History of Easter
Peace In Believing Ministries
May the God of hope fill you with
all joy and peace in believing, so
that by the power of the Holy Spirit
you may abound in hope.
Romans 15:13
The History of Christmas

1) Christmas Spirit That Endures
2) Christmas Spirit That Grows
4) Jeconiah; The 14th Generation
8) Elizabeth & Zechariah – Luke 1
21) The Wise Men - Matt.2:1-12
22) The Star - Matt.2:2,7,9-10
23) Herod & the Wise Men - Matt.2:1-12
24) The Flight to Egypt - Matt.2:13-15
25) Herod's Murders, Pt.1 - Matt.2:16-18
26) Herod's Murders, Pt.2 - Matt.2:16-18
28) Joseph - Matt.2:19-23, Luke 2:39-52
What is the Trinity?
Thankful to the Giver of All
1) Reasons for Thankfulness, Pt.1
2) Reasons for Thankfulness, Pt.2
3) Reasons for Thankfulness, Pt.3
6) Thanks in All Circumstances
7) Thanksgiving is Not Optional
40) Resurrection Evidence, Pt.1
41) Resurrection Evidence, Pt.2
42) Resurrection Evidence, Pt.3
43) Resurrection Evidence, Pt.4
44) Resurrection Alternatives, Pt.1
45) Resurrection Alternatives, Pt.2
46) Resurrection Alternatives, Pt.3
47) Resurrection Alternatives, Pt.4