Peace In Believing Ministries
Our church started meeting in January 2014.
Since then, First Nairobi St. John church has joined together with other churches in Christ, working to fulfill the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:34-40) and the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20).
Senior Pastor
Patrick Amtallan
Wilson Namutala
National Treasurer
Everlyne Wefwafwa
Valentine Machuma
To expand the Kingdom of God by helping local churches establish and accomplish their vision.
By combining spiritual gifts under the wisdom and unity of the Holy Spirit, teams of churches can serve God together, and cooperate to do what isolated churches cannot.
First Nairobi St. John Church desires to reach people and families with the good news of God's love - freely available to all, regardless of age, gender or ethnicity.
A worldwide family of believers
devoted to loving God and our neighbors.