Peace In Believing Ministries
DEVOTIONAL Lessons 1201-1300
These daily devotional lessons were written by John Kincaid.
John has taught adult Sunday School and small group Bible
studies since 1985 in South Carolina, United States.
The Lord grew the list of readers to 1,500 people in 75 countries on every continent except Antarctica. Pastor Patrick is one of the
readers. Our ministry partnership formed through these lessons.
1211) Dan.7:7-8 The 4th Beast: Rome, Pt.3
1212) What the History Books Don’t Tell
1213) The 10 Horns Are Not Found in History
1214) Symbols: Little Horn, Nebuchadnezzar's Statue
1215) European Union
1216) Different Little Horns: Dan.7 vs. Dan.8
1217) Dan.7:9-10 The Ancient of Days, Pt.1
1218) Dan.7:9-10 The Ancient of Days, Pt.2
1231) Dan.7:15-18 Interpretation of the 4 Beasts
1232) Saints Will Inherit the Kingdom, Pt.1
1233) Saints Will Inherit the Kingdom, Pt.2
1234) Dan.7:19-22 Interpretation of the 4th Beast
1235) The Unholy Trinity
1236) Can Believers Identify the Antichrist? Pt.1
1237) Can Believers Identify the Antichrist? Pt.2
1238) Antichrist: His Names & Origin
1239) Antichrist: His Message
1251) The Future Little Horn
1252) Characteristics of the 5th Kingdom
1253) Who Will Rule the 5th Kingdom?
1254) 4 Types of Peace
1255) The Final Kingdom
1256) Daniel 8: Ram & Goat
1257) 4 Desolations of the Temple
1258) Dan.8:1-2 Vision at Susa, Pt.1
1271) Persecutions by Antiochus, Pt.2
1272) Dan.8:11-14 Desolation of the Sanctuary, Pt.1
1273) Dan.8:11-14 Desolation of the Sanctuary, Pt.2
1274) Abomination of Desolation, Pt.1
1275) Abomination of Desolation, Pt.2
1276) 2300 Days of Temple Desecration, Pt.1
1277) 2300 Days of Temple Desecration, Pt.2
1278) Judas Maccabeus & Hanukkah, Pt.1
1279) Judas Maccabeus & Hanukkah, Pt.2
1280) The Death of Antiochus
1291) The Vision’s Effect on Us, Pt.1
1292) The Vision’s Effect on Us, Pt.2
1293) Daniel 9: Prophecy of 70 Weeks
1294) Jeremiah’s Prophecy of 70 Years
1295) Dan.9:1-2 – 70 Years of Desolations
1296) 3 Times Exiled, 3 Times Returned
1297) The Value & Encouragement of Prophecy, Pt.1
1298) The Value & Encouragement of Prophecy, Pt.2
Peace In Believing Ministries
May the God of hope fill you with
all joy and peace in believing, so
that by the power of the Holy Spirit
you may abound in hope.
Romans 15:13
1201) Symbols: Beasts & the Sea
1202) Symbol: the Wind
1203) Dan.7:4 Babylon, the 1st Beast, Pt.1
1204) Dan.7:4 Babylon, the 1st Beast, Pt.2
1205) Dan.7:5 The 2nd Beast: Medo-Persia, Pt.1
1206) Dan.7:5 The 2nd Beast: Medo-Persia, Pt.2
1207) Dan.7:6 The 3rd Beast: Greece
1221) Dan.7:11-12 Destruction of the Beast, Pt.1
1222) Dan.7:11-12 Destruction of the Beast, Pt.2
1223) Dan.7:13-14 The 5th Kingdom, Pt.1
1224) Dan.7:13-14 The 5th Kingdom, Pt.2
1225) Dan.7:13-14 The 5th Kingdom, Pt.3
1226) Psalm 2: The Millennial Kingdom
1227) Where is the Church? Pt.1
1228) Where is the Church? Pt.2
1241) Antichrist: His Desecration & Doom
1242) A Man With a Plan
1243) Characteristics of the 4th Beast, Pt.1
1244) Characteristics of the 4th Beast, Pt.2
1245) Dan.7:23-25 Interpretation of the 4th Beast
1246) Daniel’s Beast vs. John’s
1247) Time, Times & Half a Time
1248) Sequence of End-time Events, Pt.1
1261) Dan.8:3-4 Ram with 2 Horns, Pt.2
1262) Dan.8:5-7 Goat with 1 Horn, Pt.1
1263) Dan.8:5-7 Goat with 1 Horn, Pt.2
1264) Dan.8:5-7 Goat with 1 Horn, Pt.3
1265) Dan.8:5-7 Goat with 1 Horn, Pt.4
1266) Dan.8:5-7 Goat with 1 Horn, Pt.5
1267) Dan.8:8 Goat Horn Broken, Pt.1
1268) Dan.8:8 Goat Horn Broken, Pt.2
1281) Dan.8:15-19 The Time of the End
1282) 3 Views of Daniel 8
1283) Dan.8:20-22 Ram & Shaggy Goat
1284) Dan.8:23-26 Latter Time of the Kingdom, Pt.1
1285) Dan.8:23-26 Latter Time of the Kingdom, Pt.2
1286) The Final World Ruler, Pt.1
1287) The Final World Ruler, Pt.2
1288) Antiochus: Preview of Antichrist