Peace In Believing Ministries
DEVOTIONAL Lessons 2801-3000
These daily devotional lessons were written by John Kincaid.
John has taught adult Sunday School and small group Bible
studies since 1985 in South Carolina, United States.
The Lord grew the list of readers to 1,500 people in 75 countries on every continent except Antarctica. Pastor Patrick is one of the
readers. Our ministry partnership formed through these lessons.
2811) The Threshing Floor
2812) Abraham’s Response to God’s Test
2813) Trials vs. Temptations, Pt.1 - Gen.22:1-2
2814) Trials vs. Temptations, Pt.2
2815) Trust God’s Promises - Gen.22:3-5
2816) Faith Rests on Promises
2817) Depend on God’s Provision - Gen.22:6-14
2818) The Power of Christ’s Resurrection
2831) The Father’s Will, Pt.2
2832) The Father’s Will, Pt.3
2833) The Father’s Will, Pt.4
2834) The Servant’s Witness, Pt.1 - Gen.24:10-49
2835) The Servant’s Witness, Pt.2
2836) The Servant’s Witness, Pt.3
2837) The Servant’s Witness, Pt.4
2838) The Servant’s Witness, Pt.5
2851) Jacob & Esau, Pt.1 - Gen.25
2852) Jacob & Esau, Pt.2
2853) Jacob & Esau, Pt.3
2854) Jacob & Esau, Pt.4
2855) Jacob & Esau, Pt.5
2856) Jacob & Esau, Pt.6
2857) The Doctrine of Election, Pt.1 - Rom.9:10-16
2858) The Doctrine of Election, Pt.2
2871) Isaac the Deceiver, Pt.4
2872) Isaac the Peacemaker, Pt.1
2873) Isaac the Peacemaker, Pt.2
2874) Isaac the Peacemaker, Pt.3
2875) Isaac the Peacemaker, Pt.4
2876) Isaac the Peacemaker, Pt.5
2877) Jacob Stole a Blessing
2878) Jacob Received a Blessing
2879) Jacob’s Ladder, Pt.1
2880) Jacob’s Ladder, Pt.2
2891) Jacob’s Turning Point, Pt.6
2892) Jacob’s Turning Point, Pt.7
2893) Jacob’s Turning Point, Pt.8
2894) Jacob’s Turning Point, Pt.9
2895) Jacob’s Turning Point, Pt.10
2896) Jacob’s New Name
2897) Stumbling, Backsliding and Doubt
2898) Facing Esau, Pt.1
2899) Facing Esau, Pt.2
2911) Favoritism in Jacob’s Home
2912) Hatred, Envy and Malice
2913) Joseph’s Dreams
2914) Joseph’s Brothers
2915) God Sent Joseph to Egypt
2916) Joseph Remained Faithful - Gen.39:2-6a
2917) The Lord Remained Faithful
2918) Potiphar Trusted Joseph
2931) Living for the Glory of God - Gen.41:37-40
2932) Joseph’s Finest Moment, Pt.1
2933) Joseph’s Finest Moment, Pt.2
2934) Joseph’s Finest Moment, Pt.3
2935) Joseph’s Patience
2936) The Brothers’ Guilt
2937) God’s Providence
2938) The Brothers in Custody
2939) Joseph Wept; Mary Wept; Jesus Wept
2940) Jacob’s Fear
2951) Joseph’s Compassion, Pt.4
2952) Joseph’s Compassion, Pt.5
2953) Joseph’s Celebration, Pt.1 – Gen.45:16-28
2954) Joseph’s Celebration, Pt.2
2955) Jacob’s Joy
2956) Our Joy
2957) Jacob Travels to Egypt
2958) How Many People in Jacob’s Family, Pt.1
2971) The Gifts of Unity & Peace – Gen.50:22-25
2972) Joseph’s Crowning Act of Faith
2973) A Coffin in Egypt
2974) Flawed Servants + God’s Grace
2975) Depending on Grace
2976) Noah series: What If the Flood Never Happened?
2977) Why Did the Flood Happen? Gen.6:5-8
2978) God’s Care for Noah, Pt.1
2991) Fertile Crescent: Cradle of Civilization, Pt.1
2992) Fertile Crescent: Cradle of Civilization, Pt.2
2993) Purpose of the Old Testament, Pt.1
2994) Purpose of the Old Testament, Pt.2
2995) Purpose of the Old Testament, Pt.3
2996) Adam: A Picture of Jesus, Pt.1
2997) Adam: A Picture of Jesus, Pt.2
2998) Adam: A Picture of Jesus, Pt.3
Peace In Believing Ministries
May the God of hope fill you with
all joy and peace in believing, so
that by the power of the Holy Spirit
you may abound in hope.
Romans 15:13

2801) The Sons of Noah - Acts 8-9-10
2802) An Everlasting Covenant
2803) Israel Scattered Then Re-gathered 3 Times
2804) God-Sized Promise, Pt.1 - Gen.17:15-19
2805) God-Sized Promise, Pt.2
2806) Blessing Other Nations - Gen.17:20-22
2807) Love for Jesus Leads to Obedience
2808) Love Jesus, Love One Another
2821) The Father, the Son and the Sacrifice, Pt.2
2822) The Father, the Son and the Sacrifice, Pt.3
2823) The Father, the Son and the Sacrifice, Pt.4
2824) God’s Blessings After God’s Tests, Pt.1-Gen.22:15-24
2825) God’s Blessings After God’s Tests, Pt.2
2826) God’s Blessings After God’s Tests, Pt.3
2827) A Bride for Isaac, Pt.1 - Gen.24
2828) A Bride for Isaac, Pt.2
2829) Abraham’s Servant
2841) The Bride’s Willingness, Pt.2
2842) The Bride’s Willingness, Pt.3
2843) The Bride’s Willingness, Pt.4
2844) The Bride’s Willingness, Pt.5
2845) The Bridegroom’s Welcome, Pt.1 - Gen.24:61-67
2846) The Bridegroom’s Welcome, Pt.2
2847) The Bridegroom’s Welcome, Pt.3
2848) The Bridegroom’s Welcome, Pt.4
2861) The Doctrine of Election, Pt.5
2862) The Doctrine of Election, Pt.6
2863) The Doctrine of Election, Pt.7
2864) The Doctrine of Election, Pt.8
2865) The Doctrine of Election, Pt.9
2866) The Doctrine of Election, Pt.10
2867) The Doctrine of Election, Pt.11
2868) Isaac the Deceiver, Pt.1 - Gen.26
2869) Isaac the Deceiver, Pt.2
2870) Isaac the Deceiver, Pt.3
2881) Jacob’s Ladder, Pt.3
2882) Jacob at God’s House, Pt.1
2883) Jacob at God’s House, Pt.2
2884) Jacob at God’s House, Pt.3
2885) Remember God's Faithfulness
2886) Jacob’s Turning Point, Pt.1 - Gen.32
2887) Jacob’s Turning Point, Pt.2
2888) Jacob’s Turning Point, Pt.3
2901) Jacob’s Disobedience, Pt.2
2902) Dinah, Simeon & Levi, Pt.1
2903) Dinah, Simeon & Levi, Pt.2
2904) Jacob’s Obedience - Gen.35
2905) God’s Protection, Pt.1
2906) God’s Protection, Pt.2
2907) Rachel’s Sons
2908) Even the Faithful Suffer
2909) Joseph’s Story: 3 Levels - Gen.37
2910) Division in Jacob’s Home
2921) Joseph Fled Temptation - Gen.39:19-23
2922) Potiphar’s Anger
2923) The Lord was with Joseph
2924) God’s Wisdom Revealed – Gen.41
2925) The Darkness Before the Dawn
2926) Pharaoh’s Dreams, Pt.1
2927) Pharaoh’s Dreams, Pt.2
2928) Pharaoh’s Dreams, Pt.3
2929) Pharaoh’s Dreams, Pt.4
2941) The Brothers’ Fear
2942) Joseph’s Dreams Fulfilled
2943) Timeline from Solomon Back to Joseph
2944) Confrontation with the Brothers, Pt.1 – Gen.44
2945) Confrontation with the Brothers, Pt.2
2946) Judah’s Confession – Gen.44:14
2947) The Surety
2948) Joseph’s Compassion, Pt.1 – Gen.45:1-15
2961) Even Unbelievers Serve God’s Purposes
2962) A Blessing, a Gift and a Well – Gen.48
2963) Forgiveness & Reconciliation - Gen.50
2964) Seek Forgiveness – Gen.50:15-18
2965) We Can’t Earn Forgiveness
2966) Doubting God’s Forgiveness, Pt.1
2967) Doubting God’s Forgiveness, Pt.2
2968) Receive Reassurance – Gen.50:19-21
2969) God Meant it for Good
2981) God’s Care for Noah, Pt.4
2982) God With Us
2983) All or Nothing
2984) Jesus Believed the Old Testament
2985) Genesis: The Foundation
2986) God Planned the Ark, Pt.1
2987) God Planned the Ark, Pt.2
2988) Safe in the Ark
2989) The Door to the Ark
2990) The Coming Judgment