Peace In Believing Ministries
DEVOTIONAL Lessons 1801-2000
These daily devotional lessons were written by John Kincaid.
John has taught adult Sunday School and small group Bible
studies since 1985 in South Carolina, United States.
The Lord grew the list of readers to 1,500 people in 75 countries on every continent except Antarctica. Pastor Patrick is one of the
readers. Our ministry partnership formed through these lessons.
1811) Rahab, Pt.2
1812) The Sons of Noah
1813) Do They See Christ in Me?
1814) Christian Fruit
1815) Balancing Works with Words – James 3:1-5
1816) Words Can Help or Hurt
1817) Power of Words, Power Over Words
1818) Responsibility of Teaching, Pt.1; James 3:1
1831) An Untamed Tongue, Pt.2
1832) Blessing & Cursing - James 3:9-10
1833) Murder in the Heart
1834) The Tongue Reveals the Heart; James 3:11-12
1835) With Thankfulness in Your Hearts
1836) Be Imitators of God – Eph.5:1
1837) Introduction to James 3:13-18
1838) The Source of Wisdom
1851) Wisdom Produces Peace - James 3:18
1852) Wisdom Is Better Than Jewels, Pt.1
1853) Wisdom Is Better Than Jewels, Pt.2
1854) What Causes Fights? Pt.1 - James 4:1
1855) What Causes Fights? Pt.2
1856) You Do Not Have - James 4:2
1857) You Do Not Receive - James 4:3
1858) The Things of Earth
1859) Spiritual Adultery - James 4:4-5
1860) Seduced by the World
1871) Be Wretched, Mourn & Weep - James 4:9
1872) Humble Yourselves - James 4:10
1873) Present Yourself to God
1874) Pride & Boasting in James 1-3
1875) Pride & Boasting in James 3-4
1876) In Every Chapter: the Tongue
1877) Don’t Judge Others - James 4:11-12
1878) How Do We Judge Others?
1891) The Brevity of Life, Pt.2
1892) If the Lord Wills - James 4:15
1893) Boasting and Pride, Pt.1 - James 4:16
1894) Boasting and Pride, Pt.2
1895) Failing to Do the Right Thing - James 4:17
1896) God’s Will is Not Optional
1897) Finding God’s Will, Pt.1
1898) Finding God’s Will, Pt.2
1899) Finding God’s Will, Pt.3
1911) Sharing, Pt.3
1912) How Shall We Live in the Last Days?
1913) Impatience, Pt.1 - James 5:7-11
1914) Impatience, Pt.2
1915) Impatience, Pt.3
1916) Patient Endurance
1917) Be Patient With God
1918) The Patience of God
1919) The Patience of Farmers
1920) Jonah: a Bad Example
1931) God’s Higher Purpose for Suffering
1932) Praying the Colossian Prayer
1933) Truthful Speech - James 5:12
1934) Every Careless Word
1935) Truthful Always
1936) Don’t Swear
1937) James: Consistent with Old & New Testaments
1938) How to Respond to Trials - James 5:13-14
1951) The Prayer of Faith, Pt.3
1952) A Nature Like Ours - James 5:17-18
1953) Access to the Throne
1954) The Only Way to Approach God
1955) Fellow Partakers of God’s Grace
1956) Continue in Prayer Thankfully
1957) Keys to Answered Prayer, Pt.1
1958) Keys to Answered Prayer, Pt.2
1959) Prayer for the Suffering
1960) When Praying for Others
1971) Passover Seder, Pt.3
1972) Passover Seder, Pt.4
1973) Passover Seder, Pt.5
1974) Passover Seder, Pt.6
1975) Passover Seder, Pt.7
1976) Passover Seder, Pt.8
1977) Passover Seder, Pt.9
1978) Anointing at Bethany, Pt.1
Peace In Believing Ministries
May the God of hope fill you with
all joy and peace in believing, so
that by the power of the Holy Spirit
you may abound in hope.
Romans 15:13

1801) Controlling Our Emotions
1802) Jesus Agreed with James 2:20 About Works
1803) Paul & John Agreed with James About Works
1804) How Can Paul, John & James Agree
1805) Justified - James 2:21-24
1806) Did Paul & James Disagree, Pt. 1
1807) Did Paul & James Disagree, Pt. 2
1808) Did Paul & James Disagree, Pt. 3
1809) Abraham: a Friend of God
1810) Rahab, Pt.1 - James 2:25
1821) The Responsibility of Teaching, Pt.4
1822) The Responsibility of Teaching, Pt.5
1823) Maturity in Our Speech, Pt.1 - James 3:2
1824) Maturity in Our Speech, Pt.2
1825) Maturity in Our Speech, Pt.3
1826) Don’t Run - Confess
1827) We All Have a Heart Condition
1828) Small Things with Big Influence; James 3:3-5a
1841) Display Wisdom by Good Conduct; James 3:13
1842) Meekness, Pt.1
1843) Meekness, Pt.2
1844) James 3:14-16
1845) Pride Leads to Evil, Pt.1
1846) Pride Leads to Evil, Pt.2
1847) Recognizing Wisdom - James 3:17
1848) Wisdom Spreads the Aroma of Christ
1861) Sent Into the World
1862) In the Lions’ Den
1863) Straddling the Fence
1864) Grace to the Humble, Pt.1 - James 4:6
1865) Grace to the Humble, Pt.2
1866) Humble, Pt.1
1867) Humble, Pt.2
1868) Humble, Pt.3
1881) God is the Only Lawgiver
1882) The Government Shall Be Upon His Shoulder
1883) Boasting About Tomorrow - James 4:13
1884) Fools Ignore God
1885) God’s Will Determines the Future
1886) Plan With God
1887) The Farmer Who Ignored God
1888) Why Was I Created? - James 4:14
1889) How Should We Live?
1901) Greed, Pt.2
1902) Greed, Pt.3
1903) Greed, Pt.4
1904) Don’t Let Things Own You
1905) 4 Dangers of Covetousness, Pt.1
1906) 4 Dangers of Covetousness, Pt.2
1907) Bible Characters Who Trusted God Not Money
1908) It All Belongs to God
1909) Sharing, Pt.1
1910) Sharing, Pt.2
1921) 3 Commands in James 5:8-9
1922) Contentment in Philippians 4, Pt.1
1923) Contentment in Philippians 4, Pt.2
1924) Be Patient With Everyone
1925) Becoming Less Grumbly
1926) To Meet the Lord in the Air
1927) How to Endure Suffering
1928) How Job Endured Suffering
1929) Resting in God’s Protection
1930) The Lord is Merciful
1941) Sing Praises
1942) Does Prayer Guarantee Healing? Pt.1
1943) Does Prayer Guarantee Healing? Pt.2
1944) Does Prayer Guarantee Healing? Pt.3
1945) Does Prayer Guarantee Healing? Pt.4
1946) Does Prayer Guarantee Healing? Pt.5
1947) Does Prayer Guarantee Healing? Pt.6
1948) Does Prayer Guarantee Healing? Pt.7
1961) Trusting the Trinity
1962) Wandering from Truth, Pt.1 James 5:19-20
1963) Wandering from the Truth, Pt.2
1964) How Can We Minister?
1965) What Covers a Multitude of Sins?
1966) When the Greatest Love is Unleashed
1967) God Will Not Remember Our Sins
1968) The Best Commentary on James
1969) EASTER SERIES: Passover Seder, Pt.1
1970) Passover Seder, Pt.2
1981) Priests Rejected God the Father
1982) Priests Rejected God’s Son
1983) Priests Rejected the Holy Spirit
1984) Pontius Pilate, Pt.1
1985) Pontius Pilate, Pt.2
1986) God So Loved the World, Pt.1
1987) God So Loved the World, Pt.2
1988) He Gave His Only Son
1991) First Feast, Firstfruits, Pt.3
1992) Because He Lives
1993) The Lions’ Den, Pt.1
1994) The Lions’ Den, Pt.2
1995) The Lions’ Den, Pt.3
1996) Christ Emptied Himself
1997) Tempted to Forsake Us
1998) Tempted in Gethsemane
1999) They Knew It Was True
2000) The 1st 2 People in Hell