Peace In Believing Ministries
DEVOTIONAL Lessons 401-600
These daily devotional lessons were written by John Kincaid.
John has taught adult Sunday School and small group Bible
studies since 1985 in South Carolina, United States.
The Lord grew the list of readers to 1,500 people in 75 countries on every continent except Antarctica. Pastor Patrick is one of the
readers. Our ministry partnership formed through these lessons.
431) God Will Never Forsake Us, Pt.1
432) God Will Never Forsake Us, Pt.2
433) God Will Never Forsake Us, Pt.3
434) Living Sacrifices
436) Love That Will Not Let Me Go
437) God’s Provision Enables Holiness, Pt.1
438) God’s Provision Enables Holiness, Pt.2
439) God’s Provision Enables Service
440) Whatever He Asks
451) Redeeming the Time
455) A Righteous Person
456) God's Righteous Provision, Pt.1
471) Never Too Late to Serve, Pt.2
472) God Values All His Laborers, Pt.1
473) God Values All His Laborers, Pt.2
474) Those Who Add Little, Pt.1
493) Salvation is All of God, Pt.1
494) Salvation is All of God, Pt.2
495) Is God Unfair?
496) Desiring to Please God, Pt.1
497) Desiring to Please God, Pt.2
498) Grumbling at God
511) Carried Through the Wilderness
513) Desire in the Image of God
514) The Heart Wants What It Wants
515) Never Satisfied
516) Who Opened the Door?
531) Still at War
532) Bread from Heaven
534) Jesus Died Thirsty
535) Tested
536) Unnoticed Blessings
538) We Can't Test God
539) The River of Life
551) Step by Step
552) The Father of Lies
553) Worship
554) Worshiping a Created Thing
555) A Family of Satan-worshipers
556) God Will Exalt You
557) Without the Blood of Christ
558) Fear Not, Pt.1
559) Fear Not, Pt.2
560) Fear Not, Pt.3
Peace In Believing Ministries
May the God of hope fill you with
all joy and peace in believing, so
that by the power of the Holy Spirit
you may abound in hope.
Romans 15:13

401) My Shepherd Will Supply My Need
404) Knowing God Through Trials
405) The Fellowship of His Suffering
407) Do True Believers Suffer?
409) Be Thou My Vision
410) God's Heart, Pt.1
423) The Gratitude of Mercy, Pt.1
424) The Gratitude of Mercy, Pt.2
425) Don't Abuse God's Mercy, Pt.1
426) Don't Abuse God's Mercy, Pt.2
427) Our Relationship With God
428) Enabled by the Mercies of God
429) The Burden of My Heart Rolled Away
430) What God Has Done
441) God’s Assurance Enables Holiness
444) Seek Him
445) 3 Things That Endure Forever
446) Our Righteous Actions, Pt.1
447) Our Righteous Actions, Pt.2
448) His Righteousness Endures
449) God's Poetry
450) God's Fruit
464) That’s Not Fair
466) A Rich Young Man
467) Leaving Everything
468) God Values All Our Labor, Pt.1
481) The Source of Holiness, Pt.1
482) The Source of Holiness, Pt.2
483) A Reckoning of God’s Gifts
485) God’s Provision vs. Our Responsibility
486) If Works Could Save
487) Facing Our Duty and Limitations
488) The Right Questions
489) The Right Answers
502) Who Do You Think You Are? Pt.1
503) Who Do You Think You Are? Pt.2
504) The Baptism of Jesus, Pt.1
505) The Baptism of Jesus, Pt.2
506) What Do You Desire?
507) Tempted vs. Tested
508) The Same as Satan
509) The Last Adam
510) 40 in Scripture
544) Peter's Sword
545) Glory
547) Safe in Him
548) We Want It Now
584) Fear of God, Pt.5
585) Fear of God, Pt.6
586) Love of God, Pt.1
587) Love of God, Pt.2
588) Desiring God
589) Training To Be Godly
590) Taught By The Spirit