Peace In Believing Ministries
DEVOTIONAL Lessons 2001-2200
These daily devotional lessons were written by John Kincaid.
John has taught adult Sunday School and small group Bible
studies since 1985 in South Carolina, United States.
The Lord grew the list of readers to 1,500 people in 75 countries on every continent except Antarctica. Pastor Patrick is one of the
readers. Our ministry partnership formed through these lessons.
2011) Resurrection Evidence, Pt.4
2012) Resurrection Alternatives, Pt.1
2013) Resurrection Alternatives, Pt.2
2014) Resurrection Alternatives, Pt.3
2015) Resurrection Alternatives, Pt.4
2016) Resurrection Alternatives, Pt.5
2017) Appearances of the Risen Christ
2018) All to Him I Owe
2019) Why Does God Keep Loving Us?
2020) Painted With Pitch
2031) Thanksgiving is Good for You
2032) The Giver of All
2033) BIBLE: Which Books Belong in the Bible? Pt.1
2034) Which Books Belong in the Bible? Pt.2
2035) Which Books Belong in the Bible? Pt.3
2036) Which Books Belong in the Bible? Pt.4
2037) Which Books Belong in the Bible? Pt.5
2038) Which Books Belong in the Bible? Pt.6
2051) DEITY OF CHRIST: Is Jesus God? Pt.1
2052) Is Jesus God? Pt.2
2053) Is Jesus God? Pt.3
2054) Is Jesus God? Pt.4
2055) Is Jesus God? Pt.5
2056) Is Jesus God? Pt.6
2057) Why Do We Pray in Jesus’ Name? Pt.1
2058) Why Do We Pray in Jesus’ Name? Pt.2
2071) Joseph Learns of the Census - Luke 2:1-3
2072) Eyewitnesses to History
2073) They Knew It Was True
2074) When was Jesus born? Pt.1 - Luke 2:4-7
2075) When was Jesus born? Pt.2 - Luke 2:4-7
2076) Where was Jesus born? - Luke 2:4-7
2077) Hadrian's Temples
2078) The Shepherds - Luke 2:8-20
2091) Handel’s Enduring Gift
2092) Music & Theology in Harmony
2093) The God of All Comfort
2094) David, Solomon, and Israel Divided
2095) Assyrian Captivity; Isaiah’s Ministry
2096) Babylonian Captivity
2097) Where Was God in All This?
2098) The Light Shines; The Journey Home
2099) A Highway in the Wilderness
2100) Musical Word Pictures
2111) Bach vs. Handel
2112) Christians in England
2113) A New Form of Music
2114) The Darkest Hour
2115) Bringing Scripture to Life
2116) God’s Prophet
2117) Be Still
2118) Behold a Virgin; Thou That Tellest
2119) Walking in Darkness
2120) The Light of the World
2131) The Purpose of Messiah’s Birth
2132) Rejoice Greatly – Zech.9:9-10
2133) The Good Shepherd - John 10:11
2134) The Same: Yesterday, Today & Forever
2135) Come Unto Him/His Yoke Is Easy
2136) His Rod & His Staff
2137) The True Meaning of Christmas
2138) From Everlasting to Everlasting
2139) God’s Own Sacrifice
2140) It is Finished
2151) 2 Examples: Human and Perfect
2152) And With His Stripes
2153) God’s Circle of Protection
2154) God’s Grace is Sufficient
2155) The Purpose of Suffering
2156) The God of Hope
2157) Our Response to Suffering
2158) God Permits Trials
2159) Choose Whom You Will Serve
2160) He Trusted in God
2171) Who Do You Say That I Am?
2172) That the World May Know
2173) The Lions’ Den, Pt.1
2174) The Lions’ Den, Pt.2
2175) The Lions’ Den, Pt.3
2176) God-breathed
2177) Great Sculptors
2178) Internationally Famous
2179) Handel’s Legacy
Peace In Believing Ministries
May the God of hope fill you with
all joy and peace in believing, so
that by the power of the Holy Spirit
you may abound in hope.
Romans 15:13

2001) God is Not a Monster
2002) Sheol/Hades vs. Hell
2003) The Rich Man & Lazarus
2004) The 3 Sections of Hades
2005) Unbelievers Choose Unbelief
2006) With Jesus In Paradise
2007) Only Unbelief Condemns
2008) Resurrection Evidence, Pt.1
2021) Are You Satisfied?
2022) Because He Lives
2023) He Bears Our Scars
2024) THANKFUL: Reasons for Thankfulness, Pt.1
2025) Reasons for Thankfulness, Pt.2
2026) Reasons for Thankfulness, Pt.3
2027) The Source of Thanksgiving
2028) The Result of Thanksgiving
2041) Which Books Belong in the Bible? Pt.9
2042) TRINITY: What Is the Trinity? Pt.1
2043) What Is the Trinity? Pt.2
2044) What Is the Trinity? Pt.3
2045) What Is the Trinity? Pt.4
2046) What Is the Trinity? Pt.5
2047) What Is the Trinity? Pt.6
2048) What Is the Trinity? Pt.7
2061) Christmas Spirit That Grows
2062) Our Family Tree
2063) Jeconiah; The 14th Generation
2064) What Matthew Believed
2065) The Census - Luke 2:1-5
2066) Betrothal & Annunciation
2067) Elizabeth & Zechariah – Luke 1
2068) Mary’s Song Pt.1, Luke 1:46-55
2081) The Star - Matt.2:2,7,9-10
2082) Herod & the Wise Men - Matt.2:1-12
2083) The Flight to Egypt - Matt.2:13-15
2084) Herod's Murders, Pt.1 - Matt.2:16-18
2085) Herod's Murders, Pt.2 - Matt.2:16-18
2086) Herod's Last Request
2087) Joseph - Matt.2:19-23, Luke 2:39-52
2088) Joseph & Mary's Son - Mt.13:55; Luke 4:22
2089) The Greatest Gift
2101) Comfort Ye; Every Valley; And the Glory
2102) Accountability
2103) All Have Sinned – Rom.3:23
2104) Cleansing the Temple & the Priests
2105) And He Shall Purify
2106) Songs of Haggai & Malachi
2107) An Enduring Message
2108) The Giver of All Owes Nothing
2109) Christ in Majesty
2110) Handel’s Youth
2121) BeholdDarkness; PeopleThatWalked; ForUntoUs
2122) A Friend in Need
2123) A Super-Human Feat
2124) A Vision of Heaven
2125) More Blessed to Give
2126) God So Loved
2127) My Redeemer Lives
2128) The Hills of Bethlehem
2129) The Heavenly Host
2141) Permanent Cleansing
2142) The Bridge to Forgiveness
2143) Behold the Lamb of God; Handel’s Poet
2144) Handel's Sacred Oratorios
2145) The Subject Excels Every Other
2146) The God of Peace
2147) Behind Enemy Lines
2148) He Was Despised
2149) The Threshing Floor
2150) Peter’s Denial
2161) Slide to the Middle; Surprise
2162) Doing Brings the Blessing
2163) He Died as He Lived
2164) Handel’s Testimony at Westminster
2165) I am in you – John 14:20
2166) His Glory Will be Our Light
2167) Lift Up Your Heads
2168) Noah Had 3 Sons
2169) To the Ends of the Earth
2170) The Gift of God
2181) Hallelujah
2182) Evidence for the Resurrection, Pt.1
2183) Evidence for the Resurrection, Pt.2
2184) Evidence for the Resurrection, Pt.3
2185) Evidence for the Resurrection, Pt.4
2186) Evidence for the Resurrection, Pt.5
2187) Alternative Theories 1 & 2
2188) Alternative Theories 3 & 4
2189) Alternative Theories 5 & 6
2190) They Knew it Was True
2191) Because He Lives
2192) The Blessed Hope
2193) The Dead in Christ
2194) In These Last Times, For You
2195) Live a Life Worthy of God
2196) Jesus is Coming Soon
2197) In the Next Heartbeat
2198) The trumpet shall sound
2199) The Sting that Causes Death
2200) Rest for your souls