Peace In Believing Ministries
DEVOTIONAL Lessons 1401-1500
These daily devotional lessons were written by John Kincaid.
John has taught adult Sunday School and small group Bible
studies since 1985 in South Carolina, United States.
The Lord grew the list of readers to 1,500 people in 75 countries on every continent except Antarctica. Pastor Patrick is one of the
readers. Our ministry partnership formed through these lessons.
1411) Dan.11:21-23 The Rise of Antiochus IV Epiphanes, Pt.3
1412) Dan.11:21-23 The Rise of Antiochus IV Epiphanes, Pt.4
1413) Dan.11:21-23 The Rise of Antiochus IV Epiphanes, Pt.5
1414) Dan.11:21-23 The Rise of Antiochus IV Epiphanes, Pt.6
1415) Dan.11:21-23 The Rise of Antiochus IV Epiphanes, Pt.7
1416) Dan.11:24-26 Antiochus Grows in Power, Pt.1
1417) Dan.11:24-26 Antiochus Grows in Power, Pt.2
1418) Dan.11:27-28 The Wickedness of Antiochus
1431) When Will the End-Times King Come? Pt.2
1432) Ezekiel 38-39: Battle of Gog & Magog, Pt.1
1433) Ezekiel 38-39: Battle of Gog & Magog, Pt.2
1434) Dan.11:37-39 The Final World Religion
1435) The One Desired by Women, Pt.1
1436) The One Desired by Women, Pt.2
1437) A God of Fortresses, Pt.1
1438) A God of Fortresses, Pt.2
1451) Daniel 12: The Time of the End, Pt.2
1452) The Price He Paid For Us, Pt.1
1453) The Price He Paid For Us, Pt.2
1454) 7 Major Characteristics of the End Times
1455) Does Rev.6-19 cover 7 years or 3-1/2? Pt.1
1456) Does Rev.6-19 cover 7 years or 3-1/2? Pt.2
1457) Dan.12:1 Great Tribulation, Pt.1
1458) Dan.12:1 Great Tribulation, Pt.2
1471) Dan.12:3 The Reward of the Righteous
1472) The Wise Will Shine Forever, Pt.1
1473) The Wise Will Shine Forever, Pt.2
1474) Light in the Darkness, Pt.1
1475) Light in the Darkness, Pt.2
1476) Light in the Darkness, Pt.3
1477) Light in the Darkness, Pt.4
1478) Light in the Darkness, Pt.5
1491) Knowledge Will Increase, Pt.2
1492) Dan.12:5-8 The Man Clothed in Linen, Pt.1
1493) Dan.12:5-8 The Man Clothed in Linen, Pt.2
1494) Israel Will Be Broken, Pt.1
1495) Israel Will Be Broken, Pt.2
1496) Israel Will Be Broken, Pt.3
1497) Israel Will Be Broken, Pt.4
1498) The Unanswered Questions of Daniel and Job
Peace In Believing Ministries
May the God of hope fill you with
all joy and peace in believing, so
that by the power of the Holy Spirit
you may abound in hope.
Romans 15:13
1401) The Secret Life of a Double-Agent
1402) The Final Campaign of Antiochus III, Pt.1
1403) The Final Campaign of Antiochus III, Pt.2
1404) Opening the Door for Rome
1405) Dan.11:20 Seleucus Philopator, Raiser of Taxes, Pt.1
1406) Dan.11:20 Seleucus Philopator, Raiser of Taxes, Pt.2
1407) Dan.11:20 Seleucus Philopator, Raiser of Taxes, Pt.3
1408) Dan.11:10-20 Fulfilled in History
1421) Antiochus: Abomination of Desolation Preview, Pt.2
1422) Antiochus: Abomination of Desolation Preview, Pt.3
1423) Dan.11:32-35 Antiochus Persecuted Israel, Pt.1
1424) Dan.11:32-35 Antiochus Persecuted Israel, Pt.2
1425) Dan.11:21-35 Fulfilled in History
1426) The Most Detailed Prophecy in Scripture
1427) Dan.11:36 The King of the End Time
1428) The King of the End Times, Pt.1
1441) Dan.11:40-43 The Final World War, Pt.1
1442) Dan.11:40-43 The Final World War, Pt.2
1443) Edom, Moab & Ammon Will Be Spared
1446) Dan.11:44-45 The Last Battle
1447) A Pretender on the Throne
1448) Christ’s Return, Antichrist’s Departure
1461) Michael the Archangel
1462) Christ’s Return: Deliverance for the Remnant, Pt.1
1463) Christ’s Return: Deliverance for the Remnant, Pt.2
1464) Dan.12:2 The Resurrections, Pt.1
1465) Dan.12:2 The Resurrections, Pt.2
1466) Premillenial vs. Amillenial Views
1467) Is Dan.12:2 a Literal Resurrection? Pt.1
1468) Is Dan.12:2 a Literal Resurrection? Pt.2
1481) The 1st and Last Events of the 2nd Coming
1482) Dan.12:4 The Conclusion of the Revelation
1483) Seal: To Preserve and Protect
1484) Intended for the End Times
1485) Signs of His Return: Matt.24, Pt.1
1486) Signs of His Return: Matt.24, Pt.2
1487) Signs of His Return: Matt.24, Pt.3