Peace In Believing Ministries
DEVOTIONAL Lessons 2001-2100
These daily devotional lessons were written by John Kincaid.
John has taught adult Sunday School and small group Bible
studies since 1985 in South Carolina, United States.
The Lord grew the list of readers to 1,500 people in 75 countries on every continent except Antarctica. Pastor Patrick is one of the
readers. Our ministry partnership formed through these lessons.
2011) Resurrection Evidence, Pt.4
2012) Resurrection Alternatives, Pt.1
2013) Resurrection Alternatives, Pt.2
2014) Resurrection Alternatives, Pt.3
2015) Resurrection Alternatives, Pt.4
2016) Resurrection Alternatives, Pt.5
2017) Appearances of the Risen Christ
2018) All to Him I Owe
2019) Why Does God Keep Loving Us?
2020) Painted With Pitch
2031) Thanksgiving is Good for You
2032) The Giver of All
2033) BIBLE: Which Books Belong in the Bible? Pt.1
2034) Which Books Belong in the Bible? Pt.2
2035) Which Books Belong in the Bible? Pt.3
2036) Which Books Belong in the Bible? Pt.4
2037) Which Books Belong in the Bible? Pt.5
2038) Which Books Belong in the Bible? Pt.6
2051) DEITY OF CHRIST: Is Jesus God? Pt.1
2052) Is Jesus God? Pt.2
2053) Is Jesus God? Pt.3
2054) Is Jesus God? Pt.4
2055) Is Jesus God? Pt.5
2056) Is Jesus God? Pt.6
2057) Why Do We Pray in Jesus’ Name? Pt.1
2058) Why Do We Pray in Jesus’ Name? Pt.2
2071) Joseph Learns of the Census - Luke 2:1-3
2072) Eyewitnesses to History
2073) They Knew It Was True
2074) When was Jesus born? Pt.1 - Luke 2:4-7
2075) When was Jesus born? Pt.2 - Luke 2:4-7
2076) Where was Jesus born? - Luke 2:4-7
2077) Hadrian's Temples
2078) The Shepherds - Luke 2:8-20
2091) Handel’s Enduring Gift
2092) Music & Theology in Harmony
2093) The God of All Comfort
2094) David, Solomon, and Israel Divided
2095) Assyrian Captivity; Isaiah’s Ministry
2096) Babylonian Captivity
2097) Where Was God in All This?
2098) The Light Shines; The Journey Home
2099) A Highway in the Wilderness
2100) Musical Word Pictures
Peace In Believing Ministries
May the God of hope fill you with
all joy and peace in believing, so
that by the power of the Holy Spirit
you may abound in hope.
Romans 15:13

2001) God is Not a Monster
2002) Sheol/Hades vs. Hell
2003) The Rich Man & Lazarus
2004) The 3 Sections of Hades
2005) Unbelievers Choose Unbelief
2006) With Jesus In Paradise
2007) Only Unbelief Condemns
2008) Resurrection Evidence, Pt.1
2021) Are You Satisfied?
2022) Because He Lives
2023) He Bears Our Scars
2024) THANKFUL: Reasons for Thankfulness, Pt.1
2025) Reasons for Thankfulness, Pt.2
2026) Reasons for Thankfulness, Pt.3
2027) The Source of Thanksgiving
2028) The Result of Thanksgiving
2041) Which Books Belong in the Bible? Pt.9
2042) TRINITY: What Is the Trinity? Pt.1
2043) What Is the Trinity? Pt.2
2044) What Is the Trinity? Pt.3
2045) What Is the Trinity? Pt.4
2046) What Is the Trinity? Pt.5
2047) What Is the Trinity? Pt.6
2048) What Is the Trinity? Pt.7
2061) Christmas Spirit That Grows
2062) Our Family Tree
2063) Jeconiah; The 14th Generation
2064) What Matthew Believed
2065) The Census - Luke 2:1-5
2066) Betrothal & Annunciation
2067) Elizabeth & Zechariah – Luke 1
2068) Mary’s Song Pt.1, Luke 1:46-55
2081) The Star - Matt.2:2,7,9-10
2082) Herod & the Wise Men - Matt.2:1-12
2083) The Flight to Egypt - Matt.2:13-15
2084) Herod's Murders, Pt.1 - Matt.2:16-18
2085) Herod's Murders, Pt.2 - Matt.2:16-18
2086) Herod's Last Request
2087) Joseph - Matt.2:19-23, Luke 2:39-52
2088) Joseph & Mary's Son - Mt.13:55; Luke 4:22
2089) The Greatest Gift