Peace In Believing Ministries
DEVOTIONAL Lessons 2401-2500
These daily devotional lessons were written by John Kincaid.
John has taught adult Sunday School and small group Bible
studies since 1985 in South Carolina, United States.
The Lord grew the list of readers to 1,500 people in 75 countries on every continent except Antarctica. Pastor Patrick is one of the
readers. Our ministry partnership formed through these lessons.
2411) Put Away Falsehood
2412) Knowledge of the Truth
2413) Anger, Pt.1 - Eph.4:26-27
2414) Anger, Pt.2 - Eph.4:26-27
2415) Anger, Pt.3 - Eph.4:26-27
2416) Anger, Pt.4 - Eph.4:26-27
2417) Anger, Pt.5 - Eph.4:26-27
2418) Overcome Evil With Good, Pt.1
2431) Unforgiveness, Pt.1 - Eph.4:31-32
2432) Unforgiveness, Pt.2 - Eph.4:31-32
2433) Zacchaeus, Pt.1
2434) Zacchaeus, Pt.2
2435) Imitators of God; Eph.5:1
2436) A Life of Love, Pt.1; Eph.5:2
2437) A Life of Love, Pt.2; Eph.5:2
2438) Acting Like Saints, Pt.1; Eph.5:3
2451) Light Exposes Darkness, Pt.1; Eph.5:11-14
2452) Light Exposes Darkness, Pt.2; Eph.5:11-14
2453) Walking Carefully, Pt.1; Eph.5:15-18
2454) Walking Carefully, Pt.2; Eph.5:15-18
2455) Walking Carefully, Pt.3; Eph.5:15-18
2456) My Shepherd Will Supply My Need
2457) God’s Revealed Will and Our Purpose
2458) Discerning God’s Will
2459) All Work and No Play?
2460) Entering God’s Rest
2471) One Another, Pt.4
2472) Singing with Joy - Eph.5:19
2473) Thankful Always, Pt.1 – Eph.5:20
2474) Thankful Always, Pt.2
2475) Thankful Always, Pt.3
2476) Thankful Always, Pt.4
2477) Thankful Always, Pt.5
2478) The Source of Thanksgiving
2491) Mutual Submission, Pt.1 (5:21)
2492) Mutual Submission, Pt.2 (5:21)
2493) Mutual Submission, Pt.3 (5:21)
2494) Submission to the Lord, Pt.1 (5:22)
2495) Voluntary Submission (5:23-24)
2496) Love as Christ Loved - Eph.5:25-33
2497) A Marriage Made in Heaven
2498) Hannah: a Godly Example
2499) The Highest Form of Love
2500) Purifying Love
Peace In Believing Ministries
May the God of hope fill you with
all joy and peace in believing, so
that by the power of the Holy Spirit
you may abound in hope.
Romans 15:13

2401) The Unsaved Mind, Pt. 2
2402) The Unsaved Mind, Pt. 3
2403) What Makes Believers Different?
2404) Put Off, Be Renewed, Put On
2405) I Must Decrease
2406) Sensuality and Greed
2407) Deceitful Lusts; Renewing the Mind
2408) Learning to Hate Sin
2409) Speaking Truth - Eph.4:25
2410) Avoid Temptation
2421) Stealing, Pt.2 - Eph.4:28
2422) Stealing, Pt.3 - Eph.4:28
2423) Stealing, Pt.4 - Eph.4:28
2424) Stealing, Pt.5 - Eph.4:28
2425) Stealing, Pt.6 - Eph.4:28
2426) Stealing, Pt.7 - Eph.4:28
2427) Stealing, Pt.8 - Eph.4:28
2428) Corrupting Talk, Pt.1 - Eph.4:29-30
2441) Improper for Saints, Pt.1; Eph.5:4-5
2442) Improper for Saints, Pt.2; Eph.5:4-5
2443) Living Carefully
2444) Dangers for Saints; Eph.5:6-7
2445) Children of Light; Eph.5:8
2446) Walk in the Light; Eph.5:9-10
2447) Peter & Simon the Sorcerer
2448) Desiring to be Children of Light
2449) Shine Like the Stars
2461) Be Filled with the Spirit
2462) Filled on All Occasions
2463) Walking With Urgency
2464) The Devil’s Poor Substitute
2465) Be Filled With the Spirit, Not Drunk
2466) A Refill of Christ, Pt.1
2467) A Refill of Christ, Pt.2
2468) One Another, Pt.1 - Eph.5:19
2469) One Another, Pt.2
2470) One Another, Pt.3
2481) Thanksgiving: the Key to Peace Thru Prayer
2482) Thanksgiving is Not Optional
2483) Thanksgiving is Good for You, Pt.1
2484) Thanksgiving is Good for You, Pt.2
2485) Thankful for Everything, Pt.1
2486) Thankful for Everything, Pt.2
2487) Thankful for Everything, Pt.3
2488) Thankful for Everything, Pt.4